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So far oakridgenew has created 64 blog entries.

Catching the Fish of a Lifetime in Oak Ridge

Guest Post by Jenny Anderson, Girl of 10,000 Lakes The muskellunge, better known as a musky, is also recognized as the fish of 10,000 casts. You’d think this is an exaggeration, but it can absolutely take thousands of casts or sometimes on the rare occasion, just a couple of [...]

The Perfect Sport To Take You Outdoors In Oak Ridge

Centennial Gold Course in October. Oak Ridge has an interesting and varied history! These days, it’s a far cry from the old Secret City, and it’s a lovely place to spend some time, especially if you’re into the outdoors. There are plenty of things to do here. Biking, paddleboarding, swimming, [...]

Ed Westcott’s 100th Birthday

Ed Westcott, famous Manhattan Project Photographer, and my dear friend, would have been 100 years old on January 20, 2022, had he lived. He passed away at age 97 on March 29, 2019. I miss him. It was common for me to drop by his house with prints of a [...]

The Oak Ridge 85

The Secret in Scarboro: The Oak Ridge 85 One year before the Clinton 12, two years before the Little Rock Nine and five years before Ruby Bridges, there was the Oak Ridge 85. On Sept. 6, 1955, 85 Black students from the historic Scarboro community integrated Oak Ridge High [...]

Find your next adventure with the new National Park Service app

The new National Park Service app is available for download in the iOS App Store and Google Play Store. WASHINGTON – Just in time for National Park Week, the new National Park Service (NPS) mobile app (go.nps.gov/app) is now available for visitors to national parks across the country. Created by [...]

Some of the African American History in Oak Ridge

Written by: Ray Smith, Oak Ridge City Historian The Oak Ridge 85 or the Scarboro 85, depending on your preference, has recently come to prominence as a result of the efforts primarily of Rose Weaver, John Spratling and Martin McBride as well as several others who have contributed. It [...]

The Secret City That Surprised Me

By Kristy Burns, My Town Today Of all the small towns that My Town has visited, Oak Ridge is unlike anywhere in the world. Its entire existence is due to the mission of the Manhattan Project, and the “Secret City” tells a story that no one else can. Its [...]

A “Dog-Fun” Field Trip in Oak Ridge, Tennessee!

By Erin Edwards, Pet Treater Oak Ridge, the once secret city that helped end WWII, is a city with many hidden delights. Hopefully, you have heard of many, but maybe you did not realize that taking your dog along would make the trip even better!! We love trying to [...]